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P&C Code of Conduct

At all times members will:

  • Respect each other and everyone's opinion

  • Remember that all votes are equal and it is the collective that makes the decisions

  • Volunteer only when able to carry through

  • Perform their duties professionally and with integrity, fairness and care, without exposure to bullying, harassment or discrimination

  • Ensure that all working relationships are appropriate and do not compromise professional and ethical standards or involve a conflict of interest and/ or breach of trust

  • Take reasonable steps to avoid any conflict of interest (real or perceived) to act in the best interests of St Ives Park Public School

  • Respect the confidentiality of sensitive information and not use it for personal gain or the benefit of others

  • Conduct themselves properly and not use their position to personal advantage or for the advantage of others.

School Guidlines for Visitor, Volunteer Helpers & Class Parents

At St Ives Park Public School we welcome and value the involvement of community volunteers to assist in classrooms, the canteen, on excursions and around the school.  Parents and other volunteers assisting with activities do so on the understanding that: 
•    They must have completed and lodged with the school either; ‘A Working with Children Declaration’ or ‘A Prohibited Employment Declaration’ prior to commencement. 
•    They should sign themselves in and out of the volunteers’ registration book upon arrival and when leaving on each occasion.
•    Teachers are responsible for the programs operating within the classroom and/or school. 
•    Teachers are in charge and have ultimate responsibility for the safety, welfare and care of the students. 
•    They should cooperate with teachers in charge to ensure safety and welfare of students. 
•    Their conduct and manners should at all times be acceptable and an appropriate model for students. 


Confidentiality is of prime concern. Parents and volunteers are not to discuss any information they obtain at school with anybody, other than the classroom teacher or the Principal. 

As schools are mandatory reporters with Community Services (formally DOCS), any disclosures by students made to parents and volunteers must be reported to the Principal or nominee. 

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